Hoist with a Pneumohydrodrive

Soviet Invention No. 438610; 1967

S.I. Fishgal

From S.I. Fishgal  “Automotive Inventions”
(KDP Amazon, CreateSpace and Lulu publishers)

    NOTE: S.I. Fishgal is the only true inventor of this invention. Hired as a drafting technician to make the working drawings of the devices invented by the experimental shop manager of Kiev’s automotive equipment factory, in 2 months young Fishgal was promoted as a design engineer and then as a senior engineer with the highest allowable salary in the office. Five engineers, three technicians and two copyists detailed Fishgal’s projects that soon became the centerpiece of the plant production. Since he was only a 3rd year (of 6 years studies) external student of a university in the Western Ukraine, the plant manager hired Ju.I. Malkin listed herein as a co-inventor. He was 10 years older, had the acceptable surname, but no design experience. The manager told him to learn the trade from Fishgal and to run the design “kindergarten”. Malkin was very appreciative, told everyone that Fishgal was his teacher.

Later L.S. Fain listed herein as co-inventor too became the head of the experimental production.

As to Fishgal’s external studies, he pleaded the Kiev Automotive Institute (university) to transfer him to. The work at a machine-building plant suited the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (university), but not the automotive one, they said. Quite naturally, the Polytechnic one said the opposite.

While Fishgal’s Jewish surname would shame the Automotive Institute, his designs apparently did not. Its scientific pillars sent their students to him to get the required practical skills and Fishgal’s designs for their master’s thesis. In addition, they sent two their graduates to work under his supervision.

More about that in http://www.amazon.com/S.I.-Fishgal/e/B004UC4MH6.


    A pit hoist contains jacks mounted on rolling tube movable along the pit and executed as an air-pressurized hydraulic tank. Each jack has a floating cylinder with an inner cylinder executed as an unmovable piston rod for the floating cylinder and is fixed to the tube. The head end of the floating cylinder is connected to the rod end of the inner cylinder and a compressed air pipeline. The rod end of the floating cylinder is connected with the head end of the inner cylinder and with said air-pressurized hydraulic tank.